Internet-Journal "Computer Graphics & Geometry"
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About Journal
Journal Issues
Editorial Board
Notes for Authors


About Journal

   The Internet-Journal "Computer Graphics & Geometry" is the educational project of Consortium "Geometrical Education in New Information Technologies". It is published in Russia and is registered at Russian Federation State Committee on Publishing (, 19.04.1999).

   English is used thus making the Internet-Journal accessible for the readers in many countries.

   The range of topics covered in the published in Russia, peer-reviewed "Computer Graphics & Geometry" Scientific-Educational Internet-Journal includes various aspects of the up-to-date practice of the development and application of computer graphics and geometry systems (in Russia as well as in the whole world):

   - in scientific research;
   - management;
   - art;
   - education and other fields.

   Also, the attention to the problem of the training specialists in computer graphics and geometry is paid.


   1) V. Pilyugin (Moscow, Sadovaya-Chernogriazskaya 13/3 - 133).

   2) UNESCO chair on authors rights and other fields of rights and intellectual property under the institute of international rights and economy named after A.S. Griboedov (Moscow, Spartakovskia 2/1 - 5).


   Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI)
   General Manager T. Volvenkova.


   Swets Information Services (SWETS),, a worldwide subscription agency providing a range of electronic access services.