In Fig. 16 the specified task is to display the recent rapid earthquake determination reports in the table and on the map with selectable geophysical layers related to seismology. The reports are sent by e-mail to the application server from the earthquake determination service, parsed and loaded into relational database. In the table all the data from the report are listed. On the map we show the earthquake locations and magnitudes. When earthquake epicenter is selected on the map, the corresponding report table raw is highlighted. When the earthquake report is selected in the table, the corresponding epicenter is highlighted on the map. It is possible to zoom the map to the selected epicenter and to show/hide GIS layers such as faults, elevation, population density, tectonic stress, and historical seismicity.
The dynamic earthquake epicenter plotting is implemented in the MapApplet add-in module obnrep. The earthquake reports are selected from database for the given time interval, serialized into DTO to be plotted on the map, and inserted as a JavaScript array into the reply HTML page which is listed in the table. Then when the page with the new table and URL to the DTO is received, the web browser renders the table in the bottom frame and sends an event to the MapApplet in the upper frame to download and plot DTO from the given URL. After the map is plotted, selection of the same event in the list and on the map is done using the JavaScirpt � Java interaction mechanism.
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